Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cold Wind blew …..

Today again the cold wind blew,
And brought with it memories new.
Always happens when winter comes by,
Such a pain, heart wants to cry.
Where did I go wrong, I often think,
In the vertigo of sadness, I sink.
The heart doesn't buy, only wants her,
Mind says, boy, she was never your ...

Friday, February 10, 2012

And the sun rose on her lovely arms ........

Beauty of the night lay in her eyes,
Warmth of space found in her embrace,
Peace of heart resided on her lips,

Flow of life entangled in her hair,
Dream of future eased with her smile,
Strength of life doubled, she by my side,

A leap of faith raised by her words,
Romance of life captured in a kiss,
Music flowed with our swinging hands,

Night fell blissfully on her face,
And the sun rose on her lovely arms ........